
Sep 11, 2017


Screening of the documentary film “Puzzleys” directed by Mehdi Ganji and produced by Mojtaba Mirtahmasb will begin on August 23rd.

Sep 11, 2017


The screening of the two Documentary films “Mother of the Earth” directed by Mahnaz Afzali and “Flax to Fire” directed by Bahram Azimpour, produced by Mojtaba Mirtahmasb will begin on August 2nd through the Art and Experience Cinematic Group.

Sep 11, 2017


The Special Jury Award at Urban Film Festival was given to the documentary film “Mother of the Earth” directed by Mahnaz Afzali and produced by Mojtaba Mirtahmasb.

Sep 11, 2017


The two documentary films “Friends at Work” and “MAHAK: The World She Founded” directed by Mohsen Abdolvahab and produced by Mojtaba Mirtahmasb will be screened from July 15 through the Art and Experience Cinematic Group.